About Us

Visual Storytellers, Movie Analysts, Food Enthusiasts, and Karaoke Killers.

Seeing is believing.

We are an independently owned video-production company.
We make films for people and businesses who want to engage their audience.
It can be content for your website, your social media, or your shop.
We provide focus for your brand. We help your audience visualize
what your business provides and bring a face to your operation.

We are studio asalt, nice to meet you.

Working Since 2015.

The Process

Interested in how we work?

First, we meet and discuss what the company is and what they need.
This is the Discovery session.
We diagnose the problems and find the best solution for growth and imagery.
We decide which direction they want to go for in style, mood, and design.

Next, we travel through initial concepts.
We conceptualize designs/storyboards and see which path they choose to go down.

Then, we head into production where all the magic happens.
This is the camera shoot and/or the development of the business image once we have confirmed the client’s direction.

Lastly, we go into post-production.
We make revisions and tweak the final designs and images for the business.

Still not sure about us?
Why not sit down with one of us?

Let's talk story.
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